project 26 | post 11 | me and mine / by Carey

I've been trying to be really proactive and planning with all of my photography project posts.  I knew I'd need some Me & Mine photos again soon, so when Shawn suggested we go out for some family tball practice at 2:00pm on April 29th, I figured I might as well go with it.  I really meant to get these edited before now and this post done and checked off the list.  I did.  Really mean do, that is.

I didn't, however.

So then, when I went to edit them (way too late on the night before they are due), they were just a mess.  Of course the crazy dichotomy of shade and then bright full sun.  That's 2pm for you.  But the white balance on my camera has just been won-KAY of late.  I don't know what on earth changed.  I've changed nothing.  But it has taken it upon itself to be all whacked up.  (My personal theory is that he feels sorry for me and wants me to have  D700 and he's trying to prepare me for his final breakdown... I don't think Mr. Pace will take the $2200 plus tax price tag very well).

And then, lastly, you know those comparison pics you've seen on Pinterest?  Those "this is what I feel like running, but this is what I really look like?"  Yeah... that's how I felt when I saw these photos.  Starting the running program has really increased my positive outlook on my appearance, even though I've lost no pounds whatsoever (yes, I know muscle weighs more than fat.  Still I was hoping for a LITTLE bit of weight loss encouragement), and even though my pants and shorts are fit just as tight as they always have.  At any rate, I suppose I have this mental image of what I look like.  When put face to face with reality in a photo... let's just say it is humbling.  So I was tempted to trash these out of the potential me and mine camp.  I had trouble getting the remote to register from being too far away.  Little Buddy wasn't in the mood for the tball play (until he got to hit the ball).  The cards were stacked against me.

But forget that.  This is me.  The real me.  Reality.  The real us.  All of us.  Playing tball for fun as a family.  There ya go.  Nothing spectacular photographically.  But capturing a memory that included me.  And that's the point.  I need to remember that.

Carey Pace, me and mine, me & mine

Carey Pace, me and mine, me & mine

Carey Pace, me and mine, me & mine
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My friend, Celeste Jones, is up next in our group.  Check out what she did with her iPhone for this week's Me and Mine.

I shot these with my D90 Sigma 30mm f1.4